Lite efter men vad spelar det för roll om det är roligt?

Läste detta i pitchfork och fann det synnerligen underhållande:

Man, what is going on in Sweden? A few days ago, the country held its annual P3 Guld public radio award show, as Stereogum points out. And from all available evidence, the result looked something like the American Music Awards, if they were held in the Star Wars cantina and everybody involved was taking drugs that were way more awesome than the drugs that exist in real life.

If you're not sure whether the video is worth your four minutes and 17 seconds, allow me to describe it: A man with a twirly mustache in a drum major uniform, singing in falsetto, coos lyrics about listening to Afrika Bambaataa in his convertible, which of course leads to you having sex with him. Spank Rock raps while wearing a priest's collar. Two remarkably thick backup dancers do the sort of moves that American TV standards departments would frown upon. When Robyn appears, the crowd goes crazy. Then Robyn and Spank Rock slow-dance with each other.

Seriously. It's amazing.

Postat av: jenny

äh vadå lite efter jag visade den ju för dig precis när jag anlände till island det var ju bara nån vecka efter p3 guld! du är inte efter jö

2010-03-23 @ 15:17:50
Postat av: Anonym

Du dansar lite som robyn

2010-03-24 @ 17:30:05
Postat av: Isa

det var nog den finaste kommentaren jag har fått

tack främling

2010-03-24 @ 20:40:20

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